The City of Philadelphia
insisted that new Route 23 trolley rails be installed, on Germantown
Avenue in Mt Airy when the street was reconstructed in 2008. SEPTA took
that opportunity to destroy a key component of the Route 23 trolley:
Mermaid Loop. Streetcar lines, especially long ones such as Route 23,
need ample places to turn trolleys around in case of delays. Before
the recent reconstruction, Mermaid Loop's rails curved from the street
at the intersection of Germantown Avenue and Cresheim Valley Road (right
side of this photo).
It is remarkable that
SEPTA management got away with allowing the city, state and federal
governments to fund the replacement of rails while simultaneously sabotaging
the return of trolleys.
SEPTA has apparently never
sent a pilot car (test trolley) to Mt Airy to test the new rails or
overhead wires.
Mike Szilagyi photo,
November 16, 2008